Thematic Impact 1987 - 2020 Synopsis
Each year Comité Noviembre identifies a theme highlighting an issue of relevance to the Puerto Rican community. Through these themes, Comité Noviembre promotes the celebration of Puerto Rican culture and the achievements of the Puerto Rican community while also raising consciousness about the issues affecting our community. Each of the artists, as the creative energy and catalyst behind Comité Noviembre, has enabled us to complete our goal of motivating and mobilizing individuals and community action in addressing these issues and tell our story.
2020 ¡Sin justicia nunca habrá cambio…Sin cambio nunca habrá paz! Without justice, there is no change…Without change there is no peace! Speaks to the change that must happen in this country to achieve respect, equality, and justice for all people of color, but specifically the eight million Puerto Ricans that live on the island and the United States. It demands action from the Diaspora. Each one of us needs to be fully engaged and active in demanding and achieving justice for Puerto Rico.
2019 ¡Con determinación inquebrantable, paz y amor de patria, Puertorriqueños estan escribiendo una nueva historia! With unwavering determination, peace and love of country, Puerto Ricans are writing a new history!
2018 ¡Puerto Rico: Siempre Seras PRECIOSA! Puerto Rico will always be precious. Expresses that no matter what happens to our beloved island and its people, Puerto Ricans around the world will ensure that it will overcome any obstacle, circumstance thrown at us man made, or force of nature, and will not fall. As a resilient, proud, ingenious, loving people we will rise up, and make sure we come back stronger and better than ever. That no matter what happens our love for our island, will always persevere.
2017 ¡Diaspora puertorriqueña…es ahora o nunca! Invierte en Puerto Rico. Puerto Rican diaspora…it’s now or never! Invest in Puerto Rico. Comité Noviembre knew that the focus of the theme had to be on supporting and investing in Puerto Rico’s economy and non-profit organizations that served the community, the theme was a call to action, a challenge to make a difference. On September 20, 2017, Hurricane María ravaged our beloved island. As Hurricane María’s destruction became evident, our call to action became our battle cry of duty and responsibility.
2016 Comité Noviembre 30 years of impact on the Puerto Rican Community. Comité Noviembre 30 Años de Impacto a la Comunidad Puertorriqueña, speaks to the many contributions Comité Noviembre has made to the fabric of this nation.
2015 The Power of our Cultural Heritage Defines Us! ¡El poder de nuestra cultura nos define!
2014 La Diaspora Puertorriqueña … un legado de compromise. The Puerto Rican Diaspora… A Legacy of Commitment celebrates the commitment of the Puerto Ricans that came before us and struggled against many obstacles to build organizations, empower our community and achieve the necessary changes of their time so that today Puerto Ricans and other Latinos benefit from their commitment, dedication, and perseverance.
2013 Preservando el legado de la Díaspora Puertorriqueña…La responsabilidad es nuestra. Preserving the living legacy of the Puerto Rican Diaspora…The time is now, the responsibility is ours! celebrates the legacy of the Puerto Ricans that came before us and struggled against many obstacles to build organizations, empower our community, and achieve the necessary changes of their time so that today Puerto Ricans and other Latinos benefit from their commitment, dedication, and perseverance. As a community we must never forget their achievement, and we must pay homage to their legacy.
2012 Pioneros Puertorriqueños: un legado de amor, poder, y valor. Puerto Ricans Pioneers: a legacy of love, empowerment, and courage, celebrates the legacy of the Puerto Ricans that came before us and struggled against many obstacles to build organizations, empower our community and achieve the necessary changes of their time so that today Puerto Ricans, and other Latinos benefit from their commitment, dedication and perseverance. As a community we must never forget their achievement and we must pay homage to their legacy of love, empowerment, and courage.
2011 Comité Noviembre 25 years…United by our Puerto Rican pride. Comité Noviembre 25 años…Unidos por nuestro orgullo Boricua, celebrates and pays tribute to the work and accomplishments of Comité Noviembre in the last 25 years – to the spirit, energy, and pride of this volunteer organization.
2010 Puertorriqueño de alma, vida y corazón. Puerto Rican soul, life, and heart, speaks to the essence of what being Puerto Rican means. It is living breathing embracing our culture, history, and identity in our daily lives in everything that we do. It is the recognition from the bottom of our heart that speaks to our soul that affirms our life as a Puertorriqueño. It is a state of mind, of being that comes from deep within us that empowers us to affect change and to continue to contribute and make accomplishments to this city, state, and nation.
2009 Puertorriqueño…De nuestras raíces nace un pueblo. Puerto Rican...from our roots, a nation is born, speaks to the strong foundation of the Puerto Rican community around the world, of our perseverance, ingenuity, pride, and achievements. The theme explores and examines our unique ancestral roots and the very fabric that makes us Puerto Rican, it acknowledges that aqui y alla, somos todos Puertorriqueños – un pueblo.
2008 Vive tu cultura…!Vive Boricua¡ Live Your Culture…!Vive Boricua!, challenged us to take ownership of our contributions to the fabric of this country. Our achievements as a community have had and will continue to have great impact on society. We must learn about our pioneers, heroes, scientists, inventions, traditions and history; and commit ourselves to promote and teach others about the great contributions Puerto Ricans have made to this country and brag a little in the process.
2007 Encuentro Con Nuestra Patria, challenged each and every one of us to learn about our history both on the island and mainland, feel proud of who we are and where we come from, and commit ourselves to promoting and teaching others about our great contributions to this world. It reaffirmed who we are as a people, a community, a nation, and that no matter where we are physically in the world – somos Puerorriqueños!
2006 Celebrando con Orgullo Nuestra Cultura…Hoy, Mañana y Siempre, acknowledged and paid tribute to achievements of the Puerto Rican community in this city, state, and nation as well as to the vision of Comité Noviembre that for the past twenty years has kept its mission alive to promote, teach and create an awareness of the rich culture, language, and heritage of the Puerto Rican community.
2005 Boricua! Atesora lo tuyo…Boricua! Treasure what is yours. Preservando Nuestro Legado…Afirmación Cultural, Poder Comunitario y Justicia Social, acknowledged the accomplishments of the Puerto Rican community in the fields of science, medicine, technology, and space exploration and demanded the community to take ownership of these contributions.
2004 Preserving our Legacy…Cultural Affirmation, Community Empowerment & Social Justice, honored the grassroots work and accomplishments of the Puerto Rican community and its pioneers who because of their strength of character and conviction affected change.
2003 Nuestra Herencia Cultural el Camino al Futuro. Our Cultural Heritage, the Path to the Future, challenged the community to honor the past and teach our children about our rich culture and heritage.
2002 Salud Boricua. Boricua Health, sheds light on the critical health issues in our community specifically HIV/AIDS, cancer, diabetes, and asthma.
2001 Puerto Ricans United for World Peace. Puertorriqueños Unidos Para la Paz Mundial, honored all of the victims of September 11th, especially the eight hundred Puerto Ricans who perished, and acknowledged the efforts of the Puerto Rican community during this tragic event in America’s history.
2000 Understanding Our Past…Defining Our Future. Entendiendo Nuestro Pasado…Creamos Nuestro Futuro, urged Puerto Ricans to research and learn about their history in order to understand what was occurring at the time – the role of the U.S. Navy in Vieques, the status questions and the release of the FBI “Carpetas/Dossiers” on the Puerto Rican independence movement.
1999 Puerto Ricans for a New Millennium…Facing the Dawn of a New Age. Puertorriqueños para un Nuevo Milenio…Frente al Amanecer de Una Nueva Era, reflected the anticipation of a community ready for action, the human rights campaign for Vieques, and clemency for the Puerto Rican political prisoners were highlighted.
1998 Puerto Ricans Confronting the Challenges of a Changing World – Puertorriqueños Enfrentando los Retos de un Mundo Cambiante, urged the Puerto Rican community to examine its readiness and to prepare strategies to face the challenges of the next millennium.
1997 In the Mix: Voices that Affirm Our Vibrant Heritage. Voces Que Afirman Nuestra Herencia Dinámica, reinforced our pride, diversity, and multi-generational achievement that are the integral part of the Puerto Rican experience.
1996 United, Moving Forward…The Future is Ours. Unidos, Adelante…El Futuro Esta en Nuestras Manos, urged Puerto Ricans to unite around the critical issues of preserving our language. Comité Noviembre issued a statement on Language Rights and opposed the English Only Movement.
1995 The Puerto Rican Renaissance: The Spirit of Commitment. The Power of Action. Live It!, was a call to action to the Puerto Rican community – that now was the time to realize the future through the power of action.
1994 Nuestro Poder Puertorriqueño: Usalo! Define Nuestro Destino! Dealt with the untapped power and strength behind the estimated three million Puerto Ricans that live in the United States.
1993 Reconquista ’93: Affirming Our Identity…Preserving Our Community. Reconquista ’93: Afirmando Nuestra Identidad…Preservando Nuestra Comunidad, dealt with the issue of identity, the unique and distinct mixture of Taíno, Spanish, and African ancestry that makes up the intricate character of the Puerto Rican people.
1992 Encounters of the Past…Our Determination to Shape the Future – Encuentros del Pasado…Nuestra Determinación Para Forjar el Futuro” sought out to encompass the quincentennial commemoration and its specific relevance to the Puerto Rican community today.
1991 La Mujer Puertorriqueña La Verdadera Borinqueña…Asumiendo Nuestra Historia Tomando Liderazgo, en los 90, celebrated the important role of women in the political and social development of the largest Hispanic ethnic group in the Northeast region.
1990 From the Homeland to the Mainland. Los Lasos que nos Unen. Made the important connection to island roots and the migration to the mainland over the last nine decades.
1989 Si No Nos Cuentan…No Contamos. Count On Us!...Cuenten Con Nosotoros, dealt with the gross undercounting of Latinos in the past census counts and challenged the Puerto Rican community to stand up and be counted.
1988 Empowerment…From the Shadows to the Light. De las Sombras al Poder... Empoderamiento…De las Sombras al Poder. Highlighted participation in the political process as a tool to bring the Puerto Rican community to the forefront of American politics and power structures.
1987 Building on Our Heritage to Create the Future…Our Children Our Youth. Desarrollando Nuestra Herencia Creando Nuestro Futuro…Nuestros Niños y Juventud, centered around children and youth bringing to light the critical absence of Latino representation on the New York City’s Board of Education.